Just a quick note to say thankyou. I purchased your full kit anti seizure formula and have been giving it to my alaskan malamute, who has had seizures since 9 months of age. He has been on phenabarbatone for just over 12 months, with no improvement. He would still have seizures every 3-5 weeks. When my vet wanted to add Bromide, I refused. I had been searching the net for a long time to try and find some kind of solution for his seizures, when I came accross your web site. I knew I was on the right track. At first the seizures were not bad, but the older my boy got the worse the fits became until most of them were grandmal. Seizure would start, stop, start again, stop, start again, this would happen three to four times. When the seizure finally stopped, he would be very unsettled for hours after. (crying, pacing, bumping into things), Not only is it frightening to witness, but with it came the feeling of helplessness. I started him on your medication four weeks ago, and while I understand it is still really early days, I have seen a major improvement in his personality, he is a lot more puppylike, and much happier in himself.
Over a week ago, he was badly attacked by a St Bernard, whose owner lost control of him, while out excercising. My beautiful boy screamed like crazy, while his leg hung limp after the St Bernard dug his teeth into his elbow. I was sure this attack would bring a seizure on. As I had been giving him your liquid formula, and tablets for a few weeks already, and was hoping that it would work in such a stressful situation such as this one.
Well, to date, NO seizures, there have been a few twitches, which I then give a few drops, and it immediately stops. My new (holistic) vet is also indetted to you, and cannot speak highly enough about what you have done already for my boy. Now, I'm sure there is a bright future for him, with the help of your seizure remedy.