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Skin-eze Shampoo Testimonials

What our customers are saying about how Skin-eze Shampoo has helped their pet's overcome the discomfort of itching and scratching by eliminating skin conditions

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I've been using Skin-eze Spray and Shampoo for flea control, and am so happy to have found natural products that are safe. I have been using the shampoo weekly, and the spray daily. The shampoo kills fleas, and the spray works great as a flea repellent. I especially like not having to rely on chemicals and nasty topicals to control fleas. And it's great to be able to bathe Rocky as often as I want without worrying about washing off the chemicals I now have a sweet smelling pooch again.

Shirley M.
Edgewood, NM
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I am happy to say that after finishing the first bottle he has had only two new lesions

I had contacted your site about our mix breed pomeranian, 2 1/2 years old with severe allergy or something causing big lesions and hair loss, extremely sore feet and odor. After having him seen by 4 vets and many antibiotics and other meds I read the information on skin-eeze and looked at the photos. I decided after all the money I had already spent, what was the cost of one bottle of the skin-eeze. I am happy to say that after finishing the first bottle he has had only two new lesions, smaller than a pencil eraser, when previously some spots were as big as the palm of my hand. He has new hair coming into all the bald spots from the previous lesions. He still looks kind of sad but seems to be getting better. I started giving him the second bottle this last week and today gave him the first bath with the shampoo. It smelled good, not mediciney like some I had tried. Itching seems to be almost gone too. Thank you for Skin-Eeze. First thing to help in over two years of misery for him.

Thank you, thank you!
Janet K.
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After just one shampoo there was a remarkable difference.

I absolutely love Skin-eze...I have 2 shih tzu's who suffer badly with skin allergies...I have purified water, the get groomed weekly, brushed daily, air purifiers, we avoid walking on grass, etc...and they just kept itching and scratching all the time...countless visits to the vets, prescriptions, a dozen different shampoo's, sprays and creams...After just one shampoo there was a remarkable I have all my friends dogs using your products and even my GROOMER is using it. Thank you!...I just ordered more shampoo today.

Susan O.
Palm Harbor, FL
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Thanks for producing this great product--its made an enormous difference to our family, and our big happy bullmastiff!

Having seen your testimonials on your site--we thought we'd submit one of our own. BTW--you may want to know that we have never written a testimonial to any company for any product before. But Skin-eze has inspired us to do so, in hope that it may just influence one more pet owner to reduce a pets suffering. We were distressed when our 2 year old Bullmastiff male began losing fur, developing sores, scratching aggressively and chewing his feet to the point of bleeding. The vet couldnt find anything wrong with him--all the while, piling on the bills. After trying a second vet with similar results (none!)--our alternative was to spend yet more money and time, while watching the dog suffer, as the vet tried conducting allergy tests. In desperation, we found your website, and figured that even if the product is a complete hoax or ineffective, the cost of a trial would pale in comparision to the nonstop and non-productive vet bills. So we took a chance and ordered Skin Eze. Quite frankly we were amazed- we still cant believe what happened. Within days the dog stopped scratching. Within a few weeks, we saw visable re-growth of his fur. Its been about 3 months now, and he has all of his fur back--hard to believe when we thought he had mange originally! Your product is the real stuff. If anyone has any doubts about its effectiveness, we'd be happy to communicate with them personally about our experience with Skin-eze . Thanks for producing this great product--its made an enormous difference to our family, and our big happy bullmastiff!

K. & J. R.
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hi just wanted to know where i can post a testimonial i have a Rottweiler on your seizures product and i have a Chihuahua who has skin issues actualy vet told me he had scabies so we treated him but he never did regain his fur and he smelled well i can tell you first day i started given him your herb he didint smell any more my only problem is he hates the capsul i have to dilute in water and syringe it down his little throat but i tell him it for his own good and one week im a happy camper fur is growing back and he smells like a puppy should not yeasty thank you so much and as far as my Rottweiler i havent had any seizures except one and it was small i used the drops on her every day but when she had seizure i gave her extra and i think it helped

24 hours now no scratching!!!playful happy doggie again!!!! yeah!!!! I was ready to go back to the vet and finally some relief. Still have to grow a coat back but what a difference. Thank you thank you I'm so glad I stuck it out, your web site really convinced me to wait and I am so glad I did!!!!!!

Cathy W.
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Didn't know how to contact you and tell you what a GREAT product this is... but I guess you already know that!

Didn't know how to contact you and tell you what a GREAT product this is... but I guess you already know that! Most of your stories are about small dogs. I have a 120 lb. german shephard who has struggled with skin issues all his life (he is 5) this breed is prone to skin issues as you may be aware. His itching, scratching, biting and SMELL were awful! No one wanted to be around him he stunk like a skunk no matter what I did. One try of your shampoo (I used the entire bottle on him... like I said he is BIG) and it made a huge difference. The icky black patches on his belly began to heal, his coat is soft and my girls just love to pet him now! He doesn't smell like a skunk anymore! I have ordered more of the shampoo (6 bottles this time) and I am going to take this product over to an all natural pet store in my town to tell him he should carry this stuff! I tried almost every product in his store with no relief before I tried Skin eze.

Thanks for a great product!
Lucy B.
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Your products are amazing. My Cairn who has suffered endless trips to the vet to get special shampoo then to shampoo after shampoo her, drops for the ears, the coughing and skin scabs. Biting her paws till they bleed. Pills, ointments and nothing seemed to control all her symptoms. It was also time consuming and she just was not doing well. She is well beyond recovering. I give her three pills a day and she's miss happy pants. No symptoms or allergies whatsoever. I told my vet and she just didn't seem to care. Which really made me wonder.

Well thank you so much. From a customer who will always give out your name to other problem owners who animals suffer.

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I ordered your products and 10 weeks later she is much better.

I have a Chocolate Cocker Spaniel named Hershey. Last fall she started getting hotspots and a bad yeast infection on her ears. I have tried Benedryl, steroids and everything else. She had lost almost all of her hair when I found your site early June. I ordered your products and 10 weeks later she is much better. She still itches some which I think may be more habit than anything at this point. Her hair is coming back in. Granted it's a slow process but she looks so much better. I've enclosed before and after pics along with my sincerest gratitude.

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We recently ordered your full skin treatment pack for Sophie, our 6 month old French Bulldog puppy. She has allergies that gave her a tummy rash that was really causing her misery - with constant scratching until she would bleed. After several vists to our Vet, with steroid and cortisone shots - the rash would go away, then return even worse in a few days. We tried every commercial/vet shampoo and pet skin care product out there with very little effect and were at our wits end, with the rash starting to spread to her neck and jowls. Then we came across your web site. We have been using your shampoo, spray, and oil on our puppy for about a week now and the results have been wonderful. Her rash has improved a lot, is shrinking and starting to go away, and the shampoo and spray gives her significant relief from the itching, where nothing else we tried worked. Great products!!!!

Thank you from:
Mark and Judi H. (and Sophie)
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I could not see where I could add a comment about your product. We too were at a lost after spending thousands of dollars at the Vets and nothing was helping our dog. After doing some research and came accross your website and reading some of the other people's comment we decided we did not have anything to loose and if this did not work we were seriously looking at putting our dog to sleep as he was in pain. thank you as we are now on our second order and he is no longer on any of the other medications the vets gave us and his skin is growing back, he still has a bit to go but so far he is looking alot better. I have given your website to our local hdro bath dog lady as she was saying she has other clients with the same problem.

once again thank you.
Donna M.
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I want to tell you about my dog Bailey, a Westy, and how your product has helped. Bailey has atopic dermatitis. He has been on prednisone and antibiotics for 4 or 5 years now and nothing has really controlled or eliminated his itching. October 07, he was worst off then he's ever been, I was at my wits end, and tired of the same treatment offered by the vet. I found your product online and ordered it in November 07, and have been using it since. When we started Bailey's hair was almost gone, his skin was full of welts and hot pink in color, and smelled awful. About one month later I started seeing Bailey's hair growing and his skin returning to normal. Everyday I kept seeing improvement. Today Bailey's hair, the fine underlayment and outer hair is all grown in, his skin is back to its normal color and texture and the smell is gone. This is due to the Skin-eze caps and your shampoo. He looks better than he has in 3 years, we are very pleased.

Your Satisfied Customer, Tony
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I have a twelve year old Cairn Terrier who has had bad skin allergies for about 4 years. After doing all the traditional medical things (I was even giving her allergy shots which we both hated!) I surfed the web and found your site. This past March I began with the tablets and the bathing routine. Within about 8 weeks I could begin to see a difference and although she is not allergy-free the difference is amazing. Thank you.

Ann & Terry M.
Coshocton, OH
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I have used your product 4 times and am amazed at the results I've seen already.

Dear Sirs,

I have a precious little 9 year old Shitzsu named Gizmo. I am single and have no children, so him and his health are very important to me. I have tried for over a year to find something that would eliminate his dry, itchy skin condition. No shampoo, conditioners, food addative, sprays or anything else worked. I also had him to the vet numerous times and no success there either. Then, one day, I stumbled on your website, by accident, and thought it would be worth trying. I did order the pills, spray, shampoo and drops from you. I have used your product 4 times and am amazed at the results I've seen already. I will continue using your product and have also told my groomer about your product today and they wanted your website since they have many dogs with the same type of skin conditions that mine had. I will promote you and your fine products to everyone I see that owns a pet.

Thank you very much,
Gary B.
Madison, TN
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My westie has suffered for five years with yeast infections. I was at my wits end trying to help her. She has been on your product for two weeks and I have seen a remarkable improvement. The shampoo is wonderful. I hope it continues!

Thank you
Pam R.
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Thank you for such a wonderful product!! I will be a life long customer!!

I just received my Skin-eze today. I ordered the tablets, spray, shampoo, and ear drops. I have a 2 year old shih tzu that has chronic allergies and has recurrent yeast infection. I just bathed her, and for the first time in over a year, she is NOT itchy!!! She is not dragging her face all over the carpet, going after her ears, and licking her privates. Thank you for such a wonderful product!! I will be a life long customer!!

Thanks again,
Arlene S.
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I am blown away by the power of Skin-eze. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has an animal that is suffering with debilitating allergies.

I have a 6 year old Shih Tzu named Lola. For years she has suffered miserably with skin allergies. It had gotten so bad that her fur was falling out. She scratched, licked and chewed herself all day and all night long. I have tried everything to help her. About 2 months ago, I switched her from a high quality food which she has always eaten, to a raw diet which is high protein, low-carb, and grain free. She also gets plain yogurt every day to help control the yeast which causes her ear infections. The allergies persisted. So finally I had decided I was going to put her on steroids as a last resort. The day before her vet appointment, I decided to once again search the internet for an alternate solution as I do not believe that veterinarians are very educated when it comes to nutrition or allergies. They immediately want to drug the animal which can lead to all kinds of other ailments. I got online and was so happy when I came across the Skin-eze website. I read the testimonials, checked the product ingredients and was convinced it was worth a shot. I am a big believer in holistic remedies and was really hoping that this would be the solution I had been searching for. I received my order today in the mail (very quickly I might add...only 2 days after I had placed the order) which consisted of the shampoo, oil drops, tablets, and skin spray. I immediately bathed her, sprayed her hot spots, and gave her 3 of the tablets (disguised in moist food). Within an hour she was a completely different dog. No chewing or biting and very limited scratching. She smells good too! Tonight she is sleeping comfortably with no itching. I am blown away by the power of Skin-eze. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has an animal that is suffering with debilitating allergies. It is worth the every penny. I spent less on these highly effective products than I would have spent on one trip to the vet! Give it a try. You and your dog will be very happy you did!! It is truly remarkable.

JoAnne W.
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I am not worried now for the first time in five years.

Good Morning!!!

Gizmo and I would like to thank you sooooo very much for the relief that your product has given both of us. Gizmo is a five year old Yorkie that has had allergy problems all of his little life. He weighs less than six pounds and I was upset at how often we were having to have allergy shots and antibiotics because of the staff infections from his scratching. I was goggling one day and came across your product. I e-mailed you with my concerns and was still skeptical but decided what the heck I have tried everything else from pills to shampoos to food I might as well try this since it was all natural. Thank goodness I did. I purchased the whole package. Gizmo decided he would not take the pills but It didn't really matter because after the first week of baths he felt better. We are entering his worst allergy time of year, but I am not worried now for the first time in five years. It has been over a month since we started with your product and he is happy and I am very happy. I am writing this because I have given your name to my groomer (Colleen Doyle) and I hope you allow her to sell your product so other dogs can have the relief that we have found.

Thanks again,
Dennis, Patti, and Gizmo
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Skin-eze is the very first product that has made any difference.

I would like for you to know that our Boxer-Boston Terrier mix, Marley, had such severe skin issues (itching, hot spots, open sores, bright red skin, losing all her hair, miserable all the time, never wanted to play, etc...) that we were gearing ourselves up to have her put her to sleep. We had tried everything and spent SO much money. The vet would only cover up the symptoms with steriods and antibiotics. Once the treatment stopped she'd revert right back to misery. She's not a complainer, she just kept on itching and looking at us with love in her eyes. It was truly heartbreaking.

Skin-eze is the very first product that has made any difference. I honestly can't believe the difference. Marley's itching much less, her skin is not longer an inflamed color of red (it literally looked like the most severe sunburn ever and probably felt like it too), her hair is growing back, she is running around the yard and wants to play again.

I am so grateful and thankful that we did not put her to sleep and that she is on her way back to a more normal and comfortable life. Thank you so much. You've actually saved my dog's life.

Claire R.