Natural Allergy Treatments for Cats

Kitten Love

Kitten Love (Photo credit: Energetic Spirit)

Cats and humans can suffer from some of the same allergies. These days, more and more owners are turning to natural treatments for allergies in their cats.

An allergy is the result of an overreaction by the feline immune system to a substance eaten, inhaled or simply encountered in the environment. For an allergy to occur, the cat must be exposed to the culprit at least two times.

There are two kinds of reactions. Hives and itching are the usual symptoms of immediate exposure. Delayed reactions can cause itching days after exposure.

Common Cat Allergies

Four types of allergies are the most common:

Inhalants.Cats are often allergic to foreign particles in the air. The most common offenders are trees, weeds, grass, mold, mildew and dust mites. In most climates, pollen allergies occur only in the spring and summer. Typical signs include head and neck itching, a rash on the neck and back, skin eruptions and hair loss from overzealous licking or grooming

Fleas.The presence of fleas causes an immediate immune response. However, the cat might still be itching days after flea removal.

Foods.Food allergies are usually acquired. The biggest causes are products with beef, pork, chicken or turkey. Possible symptoms include itching, digestive disturbances and respiratory issues. Sometimes the eyes and/or ears are involved.

Contact reactions.They usually cause minor skin irritation and scratching. Causes are substances found in an object the cat uses, such as a bed or a flea collar.

Traditional Treatments

The type of traditional treatment appropriate depends on the kind of allergy the cat has and the duration of exposure. The most common include:

  • Steroids
  • Desensitization immunizations
  • Medicated shampoos
  • Immunosuppressant drugs

Steroids and immunosuppressants can cause significant side effects because they reprogram the immune system. Desensitization is expensive, takes up to two years and is successful in just half the cats treated.

Natural Treatments

natural cat allergy treatmentis often less costly, more convenient and likely to produce fewer side effects. Many owners have had good results with:

  • Avoidance of the offending substance
  • Hypoallergenic foods with meats like duck or venison
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Biotin

Before using any treatment, remember to always get your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Kidney Stones in Dogs


Nourriture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many people are not aware that dogs, like humans can get kidney stones. This is a dangerous illness because a lot of the time, there are no signs or symptoms that you need to watch for. The only way to know for sure if your dog is suffering from kidney stones is to have them tested in your veterinarian’s office. This condition is often diagnosed when testing is being performed for other illnesses. A few symptoms that you may happen to notice include:

  • Vomiting
  • Blood within the urine
  • Urinary tract infections

You may or may not notice all of these symptoms at one time. It is important that you know that all, none or some of these symptoms may occur. The symptoms that you are able to notice and recognize will depend on where the stones are located.

There are quite a few causes of this condition in dogs. The most common causes of this condition are increased levels of calcium that are found in the urine. These calcium levels can be found in the blood as well. Other instances that may be causing your pet to have kidney stones include frequent urinary tract infections and certain diets that have the ability to product high urine pH, also known as alkaline.

When it comes to the diagnosis in your pet, your veterinarian will need to be aware of all of your dog’s medical history. It will be a good idea to take notes as soon as you suspect that your pet is acting strange. The more that the veterinarian knows about your pet and the events that have taken place, the sooner they will be able to assist you and provide your dog with some form of relief. Once a diagnosis has been successful, you can move on to the options of treatment that you have.

As far as treatment is concerned, there is usually more than one form of treatment available. In the unfortunate event that your dog is suffering from kidney stones, you may be given the basic form of treatment for this illness. In this instance, you will be given medication to give to your pet once or twice each day for one or two weeks. The medication that is prescribed will dissolve the kidney stones and have your furry friend back to go spirits in no time.

Dog UTI Symptoms

English: A puppy with a Kong Wubba, a Kong pro...

English: A puppy with a Kong Wubba, a Kong product. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Contrary to popular belief, dogs are a lot like humans in many ways. Dogs make awesome family pets and you want to make sure that they stay around for many years. In order to do this, you have to properly care for them. When it comes to your dog’s urinary issues, there are a lot of issues that can take place and cause your furry friend to be in a lot of pain. A few of these problems include:

  • Bladder stones or crystals that appear within the urine
  • Cancer
  • Bacterial infections
  • Trauma

You may be wondering what causes a dog to experience these issues. A urinary tract infection within a dog could be caused by many different things. A few of these things include:

  • Cancer
  • Stress
  • Trauma

In any event, you may be wondering what you need to look for so that you will be able to take care of the situation immediately. The quicker you get this situation handled and under control, the better your dog will feel and the healthier he will be. Depending upon when you catch the infection, your furry pet may have a quick or a slow recovery. There are a few symptoms that you can look for to quickly tell if your dog is suffering from a UTI. A few of these symptoms include:

  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Extreme back pain
  • Higher levels of water consumption
  • Fever
  • Loss of control in the bladder
  • Cloudy urine
  • Bloody urine
  • Dribbling urine

There are a lot of other symptoms that you may want to look for, which include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Urine with a strong odor
  • Change in appetite

Each of these symptoms will let you know that you should seek prompt medical assistance for your dog. Keep in mind that you may fail to realize that your dog is suffering from all of these symptoms, but in any event, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to make sure that your little furry friend is alright and not suffering from a urinary tract infection. Another factor that you will need to acknowledge is that all dogs are not the same. You will not be able to diagnose your dog’s symptoms and behavior using another dog’s symptoms and behavior instances. This is the primary reason that it is critical that you schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

Common Dog Allergy Causes

If your dog is scratching, biting and coughing he might have allergies. Although food might seem like the most logical allergen, experts say this is usually one of the least likely culprits.

Second-hand smoke, perfumes and dyes and fleas are some of the most common household allergens for canines.

Coughing Bronchitis and airway irritation often manifests with coughing and sneezing. Smoke is as dangerous for your pets as it is for your family. If there is no way to remove smoke from your environment, talk to your vet about testing your pet for bronchitis.

Scratching and Skin Irritation: Treating the Symptoms Treating for Fleas: Develop a flea control plan. Wash or discard all bedding, coats and cloth chew toys. Clean hard surfaces and vacuum throughout the house. Treat your home for fleas and eggs with an eco-friendly extermination product.

Treating for Dust Mites and Dander Just like we humans are allergic to some pets, our dogs can be allergic to their human families and other pets in the household.

Clean all areas where your pet hangs out thoroughly from top to bottom. Wash all fabric curtains, floor mats, bedding and other washable items in the washing machine with hypoallergenic laundry soap. Vacuum carpeted areas, upholstery, mattresses and drapes.

Eliminating Dye and Perfume You dog may be allergic to his care products. Switching to herbal allergy treatments and soap products that are naturally chemical-free relieves itching. Switching might prevent future allergic reactions caused by avoiding harsh dyes and harmful perfumes.

After cleaning your home, treat your dog to a relaxing chemical-free bath. dog allergy products. Natural dog allergy products

Puppy in the grass

Puppy in the grass (Photo credit: justmakeit)

are often less expensive than allergy shots and prescription meds. Another benefit of using natural treatments is that there is less likelihood that your dog will develop new allergies to the ingredients.

Natural Treatments for Diarrhea in Dogs

This image shows a young mixed-breed dog. The ...

This image shows a young mixed-breed dog. The parents are a white shepherd dog and an alsatian dog. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A dog with diarrhea is probably a lot more miserable than the owner faced with cleaning up multiple accidents in the house. While one accident might not be noteworthy, the culprit behind diarrhea is often medical.

What Causes It?

Experts define diarrhea in dogs as passing loose or unformed stools. It often includes many bowel movements and huge amounts of stool.

Quite a few factors cause canine diarrhea. The most common are food intolerance, parasites, gastroenteritis and viruses. Bacteria like E. coli sometimes also cause diarrhea and other serious problems in dogs. The color, odor, frequency, consistency and presence/absence of blood of the stool can suggest the likely cause.

Treatment Options

A dog owner often has a choice between using traditional medical treatments or natural options.

Some traditional treatments come with potential side effects. For example, antibiotics often prescribed—albendazole, sulfa, metronidazole and febantel—can themselves cause diarrhea. Treatment with IVs and catheters is uncomfortable for the dog and expensive. Many owners would prefer a natural treatment if one is available.

Natural dog diarrhea treatments strive to eliminate diarrhea in dogs without side effects. They normalize the dog’s stool and increase overall health.

Natural Treatments

There are two main types of natural therapies for canine diarrhea:

Withholding food

Owners can withhold food for 24 hours when a dog has eaten something not on anybody’s approved list. A bland diet of cooked rice and chicken or cooked rice with ground beef should follow, on the next day.

When an allergy to or an intolerance of a substance in a commercial dog food is the cause, changing to a natural food often resolves the problem.

Nutritional supplements

These natural supplements can benefit a dog’s digestive tract:

  • L-Glutamine—The amino acid and fuels cells in the lining of the intestinal tract.
  • Slippery elm—This herb neutralizes stomach acid and soothes inflammation.
  • Saccharomyces boulardi—A yeast, it functions as a probiotic.
  • N-acetyl-glocosamine—It soothes the bowel lining to treat several inflammatory digestive conditions.
  • Lactobacillus sporogenes—This probiotic treats bacterial overgrowth.
  • Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL)—It boosts blood flow to the intestinal lining and reduces muscle spasms.
  • Digestive enzymes. Missing from commercial dog food, they’re necessary for proper nutrient absorption.

Before beginning any treatment for diarrhea in dogs, it’s important to consult your veterinarian.

Homeopathy for Hairballs

English: Sleeping long-hair cat

English: Sleeping long-hair cat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you own a cat, you are probably well aware of hairballs. Since cats are creatures that are constantly grooming, their hair gets stuck on their tongue and that hair gets swallowed..

Some of the hair can pass through, but some of it doesn’t. The hair that doesn’t pass through will turn into a hairball and cause discomfort to the cat. If the hairball gets too big, it could result in blockage in the intestinal tract and it may not be able to be passed from either end. If left untreated, the results could be fatal.

Over the counter treatments contain petroleum jelly. On one hand that is good because it will lubricate the hair ball which can aid in passing it through. On the other hand, remedies that contain petroleum jelly can keep the cat from absorbing nutrients that are vital. These include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

There are homeopathy treatments that will not harm the cat and may also prevent hairballs. This would be a comfort for both you and your feline. Let’s take a look at some of them.

  • Brushing your cat every day to get rid of dead and loose hair.The less lose hair, the less there is for the cat to swallow.
  • Give your cat grain-free food.Grains are hard to digest and could increase a hairball problem by not letting the hairball pass through.
  • Give 100% Pumpkin a try.Giving your cat 1 teaspoon a few times a week can also help. Make sure the label states that there are no preservatives and no spices. Pumpkin is a natural way to help your feline’s digestion.
  • Try plant based Probiotics and Enzymes.These help in the digestion of your cat and will also help your cat absorb more vital nutrients. These would be best served with wet cat food.
  • Choose a chewable hairball relief tablet.There are all natural pills that the cat can chew. Some ingredients include elm bark and papaya, but best of all, they do not contain petroleum jelly.
  • Use Lax-eze Treatment.Ask your vet if your cat should be on this treatment. This treatment will help with vomiting caused by hairballs and will not create harmful side-effects.

Make sure that you take your cat for regular check-ups. This can prevent hairballs from becoming more serious.

Canine Allergies

English: 10 wks old, female. She snorts but is...

English: 10 wks old, female. She snorts but is super loveable, great with housebreaking, other dogs, cats and kids. I noticed some grass allergies on her belly. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s not just people who can have allergies; animals can have them, too — including dogs. There are three main types of canine allergies:

Fleas.Some dogs are highly allergic to fleas and flea bites. This allergy is relatively easy to diagnose and treat.

Inhalants.This is the most common allergen in dogs. They can include airborne molds, pollens and also dust mites.

Food Allergies.About 10% of all dog allergies are related to foods they eat. These allergies can cause a lot of itching.

Dog allergies combined with a compromised immune system can be very hard on your dog. The result can be secondary infections of the ears, skin or urinary tract. Some breeds are prone to allergies; bulldogs, pugs, terriers and retrievers fall into this group.

Signs of Allergies

Dogs with allergies usually show symptoms such as skin issues and itching.Flea allergiescause chewing and itching at the base of the tail. In some cases, a single flea bite can cause a very severe allergic reaction.

Inhalant allergiescan come and go as weather and seasons change. Indoor heating and air conditioning can affect them. Some allergies are worse in summer than in winter, but dust and mold-sensitive dogs are itchier during the indoor winter months.

Food allergiesmay cause skin and coat problems, including itching. One sign of food allergies in dogs is incessant paw-licking. Proteins are usually the cause.

Types of Allergy Treatments

If your dog shows the symptoms and signs of allergies, start by taking her to the vet. The vet will likely first screen for other more serious issues like mites, thyroid problems or mange. Prescription topical flea treatments will work, but holistic treatments have fewer side effects and are much safer and healthier for your dog.

A vet or a veterinary dermatologist can help to determine exactly which allergens are causing your dog’s issues, but testing can be expensive and stressful on your dog. You can help the situation at home by vacuuming more frequently, buying a good air purifier and/or using an air filter within your home’s heating/cooling system.

Improving your dog’s diet can help as well. Always try natural dog allergy remedies first whenever possible, as chemical-based treatments tend to have harmful side effects that will tax your canine’s immune system.

Natural Cat Constipation Alternatives

Just like people, our cats can sometimes suffer from digestive problems that result in constipation. There are a variety of potential causes for this condition, and a solution can be found in several natural remedies that will relieve symptoms and prevent further complications from prolonged constipation.

Cat Hebe

Cat Hebe (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

Identifying the Problem The first step in finding the right solution for your pet is to first recognize there is a problem and then isolate the source of the problem. If you notice that you have to empty your cats litter box with less frequency then constipation may be the culprit. Most cats will have a stool once or twice per day. When this decreases to once every two or three days, it may be necessary to treat your pet.

Some common causes are:

  • Hairballs
  • Dehydration
  • Dirty litter box
  • Obesity
  • Medical condition such as an enlarged colon or allergies

Signs and symptoms include bloating, lethargy, and decreased appetite. There are several benefits to natural cat constipation treatments.

Treatment The reason for a more natural approach to this problem is that there is less likelihood for side effects or dependency on medications to relieve bowels. For example, if your cat has hairballs, evidenced by visible hair strands in the stool or vomit, the treatment may be as simple as feeding your cat a special food formulated to prevent hairballs. This also works for obesity. There are several weight-loss or maintenance foods on the market to help your pet obtain healthy weight levels.

Dehydration is easily treatable by making sure your pet always has a water source readily available. Since cats drink less water than other animals, this may not correct the problem, so offering your pet wet food as opposed to dry may be helpful since wet food has more moisture and will encourage bowel movements. Keep the litter box clean. Cats don’t like to go in a dirty litter box and will avoid it for as long as possible, and this may encourage constipation. A high fiber diet can be helpful as well. Extra fiber can be found in wheat bran, rice bran, psyllium, or even canned pumpkin and can be included in your pet’s food.

Of course if your cat has a medical condition, medication may be necessary. Your veterinarian can prescribe laxatives or other medications to relieve constipation. A natural cat constipation treatmentis of course best for your pet, and can usually be done through diet changes.

Help your cat get rid of hairballs the natural way

It’s a sound that you dread hearing from your cat: That deep-throated hacking with your cat’s head bent low as eventually a big wad of wet fur lands on the rug. Hairballs are disgusting, and can cause many health problems for your cat if not treated properly. Unfortunately, many cat owners don’t do anything to prevent hairballs from happening, believing it’s just a part of nature for a cat.

What Causes Hairballs A cat is a very meticulous creature when it comes to personal grooming. You may watch your cat take over an hour licking its fur to get rid of dirt and burrs as it straightens out each hair to its designated place. When a cat licks itself in this manner, sometimes hairs loosen as the cat swallows the fur.

Cat photo

Cat photo (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

A cat’s digestive tract isn’t suited to break down fur into natural proteins and minerals the cat’s body needs. So most hair passes through the cat’s intestine and ends up in its feces. Unfortunately, some hair wads up in the stomach. This may happen when a cat has very long hair or grooms itself excessively. It can also happen more often in the spring when a cat is shedding its thick winter coat used to keep warm from the cold.

When the hair wads up, the stomach naturally tries to eject it. The cat coughs up the hair as you get to see a large ball of hair covered in digestive fluids.

Getting Rid Of Hairballs Naturally To lessen the number of hairballs your cat swallows, which can cause diarrhea and other health issues if the cat doesn’t retch up the hair from the stomach, you should brush your cat’s fur on a regular basis. By removing the loose hair, your cat won’t swallow as much as it can pass natural through their stomach and intestines.

Another remedy is petroleum jelly that is an intestinal lubrication, although many cat owners dislike having their pets swallow such a product. Instead, change your cat’s diet to a high-fiber regimen. This will allow more objects to pass through their system. Also give your cat plenty of exercise. This is just sound advice for your cat’s overall health.

You may also introduce probiotics and enzymes designed for animals into the cat’s food. It will help with the cat’s digestive system. There are also many homeopathic anti-constipation products designed for cats to help lessen the amount of hair sitting in the cat’s stomach that can accumulate into a hairball.

Before adopting any type of home remedy, make sure you take your cat to the veterinarian. With a full check-up, you can ensure that you cat isn’t suffering from any other type of medical condition that is contributing to your cat’s digestive problems and the number of hairballs in their stomach.

Dog Tapeworm Symptoms

Tapeworms Plate IV engraving by William Miller...

Tapeworms Plate IV engraving by William Miller after drawing by P Syme, published in The Morbid Anatomy of the Gullet, Stomach and Intestines. Alexander Monro, tertius. Second Edition. Edinburgh: John Carfrae and Son; and Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, London. 1830 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Tapeworms are disgusting parasites that live in the small intestines of a dog and feed off the animal’s blood. They may be as small as an inch in size, and in some cases can grow to a few feet long. Tapeworms will eventually cause a dog to lose weight, but the problem is weight loss can occur so gradually, the owner may not even notice it. This and the fact that most dogs don’t show any outward signs of discomfort can make the determination that a dog has tapeworms difficult.

If you suspect your dog may have tapeworms, look for the following symptoms.

  1. The dog may show signs of itchiness in or around the anal area. This can be displayed by his licking the area or by him “scooting” in an effort to relieve the itchiness.
  2. Signs of weight loss in spite of the dog maintaining his appetite.
  3. A marked increase in the dog’s appetite that does not result in weight gain.
  4. Regular occurrences of diarrhea.
  5. Distension of the abdomen.
  6. Dry and/or flaky skin.
  7. An increasingly poor hair coat that may be dull or dry.
  8. The dog may appear listless and lethargic.
  9. Irritability.

To a much lesser degree the animal may experience some stomach pain, but oddly enough, that is not very common.

Tapeworm heads attach themselves to the wall of the intestines and to cure the ailment the heads must be destroyed. If the heads are not destroyed they will simply regenerate themselves. The ingestion of fleas and lice are the most common causes of tapeworms, but they also can be caused by the ingestion of raw meats.

If you notice the symptoms of tapeworms in your dog it is suggested you seek the advice of a veterinarian for treatment options.

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