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Feline Asthma and Bronchitis

Obstructive and allergic lung diseases affect many cats and are sometimes called “asthma,” “bronchitis,” or “bronchial asthma.” Unfortunately, these diseases are not easily classified and probably represent a variety of lung disorders. They do share a common finding of “hyper-responsive” or “over-reactive” airways.

When the airway of a cat is sensitive to certain stimuli, exposure
Suggested Treatment
Fresh Aire Lung Formula
to these agents leads to narrowing of the airways. The inciting agents are usually direct irritants to the airways or things that provoke an allergic response in the respiratory tract. Regardless of the cause, the end-result is the same: muscle spasms in the bronchi (breathing tubes), buildup of mucus, and accumulation of cellular material. In particular, the inability to clear the bronchi of this material leaves the cat susceptible to secondary infections.

The cat is most stressed during expiration (forcing air out of the lungs). Difficult expiration feline asthmaor “breathing out” is typical with obstructive lung disease. Air may become effectively trapped in the lungs, causing them to over inflate. In some cases, this trapping leads to development of emphysema in the cat.

What are the clinical signs?
Coughing and respiratory distress are the most commonly reported signs with obstructive lung disease. Coughing is a significant finding since there are relatively few causes of coughing in the cat. Also, many cats assume a squatting position with the neck extending during these coughing episodes. Wheezing is easily heard with the stethoscope and is sometimes so loud that it can be heard by the owners. Occasionally, sneezing and vomiting are noted.

What causes feline asthma?
As mentioned above, this group of diseases is characterized by hyper-responsive airways. The small breathing tubes (bronchi and bronchioles) can react to a number of stimuli, such as:
  1. Inhaled debris or irritants - dust from cat litter, cigarette smoke, perfume or hairspray, carpet fresheners, and perfumes in laundry detergent
  2. Pollens or mold
  3. Infectious agents - viruses, bacteria
  4. Parasites - heartworms, lungworms
How is cat asthma treated?
Successful management of allergic lung disease employs several therapies.
  1. Any factors known to trigger or aggravate breathing problems should be avoided. In some cases, this may mean trying different brands of cat litter, eliminating cigarette smoke from the home, etc. The previous list (see “Causes”) details some factors that should be considered. It is important to pay close attention to environmental factors that may aggravate the condition.
  2. Bronchodilators. These drugs are used to open up the airway and allow the cat to move air more freely. They should be used faithfully and as directed to obtain maximum effect.
  3. Corticosteroids. Steroids have a beneficial effect on decreasing inflammation, dilating the airway, and decreasing mucus production. In many cats, they are given daily. When the cat’s temperament is a concern, long-acting injections can be given as an alternative to pills. These drugs have potential for some side-effects and should not be withdrawn abruptly.
  4. Fresh Aire Lung Formula. The possible side-effects attributed to the use of steroids can be avoided by using a safe, all-natural formula such as Fresh Aire Lung Formula. It is a lung-clearing and lung-strengthening formula for both asthmatic cats and dogs.

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