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Natural Cat Diarrhea Treatment - Testimonials from Owners of Happy Cats

What our customers are saying about how Diar-eze has helped their cat's overcome the discomfort of diarrhea. Diar-eze Testimonials from Happy Pet Owners

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I have a different kitten, no more diarrhea.

I recently ordered Diareze for my kitten of 5 1/2 mths who's had diarrhea since we collected him at 4mths. Having been to the Vet numerous times, giving him antibiotics and even a steroid injection, we had no improvement. Within three days of giving him Diareze, I have a different kitten, no more diarrhea. Highly recommended product and I can't thank-you enough. Our little friend is so much happier.

Have also ordered Healthy Fresh and an Eye Treatment for our other cat as your products clearly do work. And a relief to know it's homeopathic.

Kind regards
Kerry (Walter)
United Kingdom
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Abby is now a healthy, happy, beautiful little girl.

I have an 8 month old kitten named Abby, and she has suffered with chronic diarrhea her whole life. She has been on antibiotics for 6 months, and we were giving her Chinese herbs and acupuncture with no results. We ordered Diar-eze and started her on it on Saturday afternoon and by Sunday morning she had a formed but soft stool; within 4 days she was having firm, formed stools. She has been off of the antibiotics for 2 weeks with no change and Abby decided to stop taking her Chinese herbs, also with no change to her stools. Diar-eze is a miracle for us. Abby is now a healthy, happy, beautiful little girl. I can't thank you enough for this product. It really is a life saver.

Judy W.
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I join the others in testimony of this miraculous product. My sweet Namaste has suffered horribly from diarrhea after being given a chemical dewormer by a vet. It is as if it destroyed her digestive system. I tried everything you can imagine to assist her well beingness, cooking for her and natural remedies to no avail. On Saturday, I gave her your product mixed in a limited ingredient cat food and by Sunday, she was having formed bowel movements and now they are perfectly normal.

God bless you and Nammie sends kisses and hugs!!
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I use your Diar-eze product regulary with my cat. Its fantastic and it works! I tried it after spending hundreds of pounds at the vets on tests and they could find no problems. They reccomended putting him down. Glad I never did.

Many Thanks,
United Kingdom
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I just wanted to tell you that I started to use Diar-eze with the anti-diarrhia formula liquid 2 days ago....My 1 year old cat seems to be doing great already! He has had severe diarrhea for 7 months! All the medications he has been on have not only been expensive, but have not worked. I can hardly wait to tell my vet how Diar-eze has worked!

I don't know how to THANK YOU enough!!!!!!
Becky P.
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We have a 12 year old cat who has the feline equivalent of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and switching to canned cat food with a rounded teaspoon of Diar-eze twice daily is the only thing that has helped ease the uncontrollable diarrhea. Were it not for your product, he would likely have been put down by now as cleaning up after him became a taxing chore.

Brad G.
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I began using the anti-diarrhea formula in conjunction with the Vet Select Diar-eze, day before yesterday, and it seems to be working miracles with my cat. My question is do I continue to use this ongoing or do I use it when her diarrhea flares up?

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. I cannot recommmend your Vet Select Diar-eze Formula enough!

My elderly mother became ill and had to come and live with me and my family. She brought her 15 year old cat, Charlie, with her. Charlie developed chronic diarrhea, and nothing seemed to help. The vet said to try antibiotics, but that didn't work, either. Then I found out that my mom had always given Charlie Vet Select Diar-eze Formula in his food, prior to coming to live with me. I got some Diar-eze and put Charlie back on it immediately. After months of chronic diarrhea, Charlie was cured within just a couple of days. Charlie has had no recurrence of diarrhea ever since (over two years now). I cannot recommmend your Vet Select Diar-eze Formula enough!

Susan G.
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This past Feb. I started to notice small drops of blood outside of the litter box. I didn't know if it was my 2 year old cat or my six month old kitten, and I leaned towards the kitten since I had never had this problem before. Well, it was my cat Tillie. She started having chronic diarrhea, and had accidents in the house. The vet put her on anti-diarrea medicine, and antibiotics over and over again. A slight relief would happen, then the same diarrhea was back. The vet suggested I change her diet, so I bought very expensive food from him. Again, only a slight relief. After two months of forcing pills down her throat and cleaning up accidents, I was at my wits end, and crying because I loved her so much, but neither one of us could go on like this. Then I got on my computer, and typed in Cat Diarrhea. Your site popped up, and I immediately ordered your Diar-eze Formula. It arrived on a Friday, and I started using it immediately. I saw a more solid stool by Sunday, and by Tuesday, she had a normal stool. I sprinkle it on her food when I feed her, and she is doing wonderful. It is July, and she has been using this since April.

Thank you! Thank you!
Penny F.
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That formula was a lifesaver, both for Maya and for us as her adoptive parents.

We adopted our boxer girl, Maya, as a rescued adult stray. She was nothing more then skin and bones - weighing less than 40 lbs, and the rescue organization said she had diahrrea from living on the streets and eating anything she could find. They said it would go away. A week later, Maya was hospitalized at our vet's office with severe, explosive diahrrea and bleeding so bad it looked like hemoraging. After a month in the hospital, Maya came home on a new prescription diet, but her diahrrea continued almost daily, except without the copious bleeding. Searching for some answers to her diagnosis of IBD, I came across your website. I ordered a jar of your Diar-eze formula and within 2 days, her stools were significantly solidified. That formula was a lifesaver, both for Maya and for us as her adoptive parents. We loved her to death from day one, but the constant vigilance and care required was getting to be overwhelming. Today, Maya is 20 lbs heavier and incredibly healthy and happy. I shared your formula's success with my vet and they became believers - they now carry your formula for other pets brought to them with symptoms of diahrrea. They are amazed, and we cannot thank you enough!

Joanna C.
Miami, FL
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ekoe is no longer throwing up or having stool issues and has become his whimsical, alert self again.


My husband and I cannot thank you enough for your Diar-eze fiber and homeopathic drops!! Our 15 year old cat (Pekoe) was diagnosed with IBS this year. Over the past 6 months we and our vet have been eliminating the possible cause for the throwing up and chronic diarrhea. When IBS was finally ruled and he was put on the steroid predinzone it would work for a while then we'd need to up Pekoe's dosage for a week and lower again when he'd have an episode of diarrhea. It was not until my husband found your wonderful product and started to give to Pekoe did he really improve.

Pekoe is no longer throwing up or having stool issues and has become his whimsical, alert self again. No more shots for dehydration either!!

We rave about your product to all the pet owners we know and have brought it to the attention of our vet so other animal can benefit from your product.

Thank you again
Laurel, Bill & Pekoe
Danbury, CT
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My husband and I are so impressed with and you can be sure we're going to tell our vet about your product.

I can't thank you enough for making a product that is as close to miraculous as anything I've ever seen. I have never written a testimonial about a product but like so many others who have written to you, I was desperate and weary of cleaning up accidents and watching my little male cat suffer with diarrhea. We had taken him to the vet and were prescribed anti-diarrhea medication and expensive cat food that simply did not work. Finally in desperation I typed in Cat Diarrhea on my computer and your site came up. After I read all the testimonials, I decided to order your product. I was practically waiting by the mailbox for it to arrive on Saturday. I immediately gave him a dose around noon and another just before bedtime. By the next morning he wasn't having any more accidents and his stool was firmer. My husband and I are so impressed with and you can be sure we're going to tell our vet about your product. Oh, and our little female cat likes Diar-eze too. Our household is now a happy place again.

Thank you!
Carolyn B.
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I have a 14 year old cat (Simon) who has been diagnosed with hyperthyroid and kidney disease. The hyperthyroidism caused IBS for the cat which results in chronic diarrhea, and his litterbox has become really horrible over the past two years. The vet has repeatedly given him steroid shots and prescribed Flagyl, both of which have limited effectiveness for the diarrhea and can harm the cat in the long run. While researching the internet, I came across and also found testimonials on various message boards about Diar-eze. I ordered the Diar-eze fiber and homeopathic drops about a month ago and Simon is a changed cat! The diarrhea was gone within 3-4 days, which is a huge relief for me and my new, cat-unfamilar husband. The greatest change is in Simon himself. He is retaining much more water resulting in fewer trips to the vet for subcu fluids, a better quality coat with less oil, and improved energy and alertness. Thank you for making a product that allows my elderly cat to be so much more comfortable, and reduces marital strain over the tragedy of the cat box! As a side note, Cori who is a healthy 8 year old cat, has a coat that has always been soft, but now feels like a rabbit!

I dose the cats in this manner: 1 small can of NutroMax or Wellness brand cat food mixed with 1/2 can of water and 1/2-3/4 teaspoon of Diar-eze. I mush it up and split it into 2 bowls. This is fed twice daily along with dry food.

I have taken Diar-eze to the Vet, and they are going to recommend it for their other patients who suffer from chronic diarrhea or regularly require subcu fluids.

I wanted to share our pleasure and satisfaction with your product.

Marianne L.
Allen, TX
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I just wanted to tell you that I started to use Diar-eze with the anti-diarrhia formula liquid 2 days ago....My 1 year old cat seems to be doing great already! He has had severe diarrhea for 7 months! All the medications he has been on have not only been expensive, but have not worked. I can hardly wait to tell my vet how Diar-eze has worked!

I don't know how to THANK YOU enough!!!!!!
Becky P.
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I began using the anti-diarrhea formula in conjunction with the Vet Select Diar-eze, day before yesterday, and it seems to be working miracles with my cat. My question is do I continue to use this ongoing or do I use it when her diarrhea flares up?

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I never send in testimonials but your product Diar-eze has helped my cat so much that I had to write. I had him on all kinds of medications for 2 years because of his diarrhea problems and yours was the only thing that has worked. He's also had more energy and has been able to reach a more healthy weight.

C. Smith
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I have been giving my dog Diar-eze for a couple of months now. She has liver damage from chemotherapy (which she was on because of multiple small mast cell tumors). I stopped the chemotherapy because of the liver damage, but she developed chronic diarrhea---The Diar-eze helped her greatly.

Susan E.
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I just wanted to let you know how satisfied I am with your product.

Hi, I just wanted to let you know how satisfied I am with your product. I have two American Curl cats with long hair and your product has kept them regular since we have been using it. One of the cats had a problem with diarrea at least once or twice a week. She hasn't had it since being on the product. She also had no energy for a young cat , but now she is wild! I love your product and I was amazed that they would eat this - but they like it. Needless to say i will continue to keep my cats on your product.

Thanks so much,
Kathy P.
Moreno Valley, CA
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It was not until my husband found your wonderful product and started to give to Pekoe did he really improve.


My husband and I cannot thank you enough for your Diar-eze fiber and homeopathic drops!! Our 15 year old cat (Pekoe) was diagnosed with IBS this year. Over the past 6 months we and our vet have been eliminating the possible cause for the throwing up and chronic diarrhea. When IBS was finally ruled and he was put on the steroid predinzone it would work for a while then we'd need to up Pekoe's dosage for a week and lower again when he'd have an episode of diarrhea. It was not until my husband found your wonderful product and started to give to Pekoe did he really improve.

Pekoe is no longer throwing up or having stool issues and has become his whimsical, alert self again. No more shots for dehydration either!!

We rave about your product to all the pet owners we know and have brought it to the attention of our vet so other animal can benefit from your product.

Thank you again
Laurel, Bill & Pekoe
Danbury, CT
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Thank you so much for the Diar-eze Formula, my male cat Larry, had diarrhea for a long time and no Veterinarian in Houston, Texas could find a solution; they just made him more sick, so they could make money. But your Formula saved my Larry, he is my Baby.

We want to Thank you very, very much,
Petra & Larry
Houston, TX USA
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I live in the UK and there is nothing on the market here that is a fraction as good as yours

I just had to write and thank you so much for producing such a wonderful product - Diar-eze - my 15 year old cat was so very distressed with chronic diarrhea with nothing available to help her. After 2-3 day use her stools were so easily passed and I could almost see a smile back on her face. I live in the UK and there is nothing on the market here that is a fraction as good as yours - well done!!

Hyacinth the Persian purr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
United Kingdom